Ukiyo wa maru de kyouka suigetsu...
Наконетс-то я добралас до интернета. Правда, как должно быт понятно из транслита, я выхожу не с ноутбука. В етот самыи момент я чувствую себа полным идиотом, посколку нахожус в манга кафе в Шибуя. Если цестно, просче пис по-японски.
Is it OK if I use English? I think it is. Actually, I`have written rather long message about my first days in Japan. But it is saved in the notebook in my computer and they told me that I can`t use it here.
I get on well with my new family. They live in a small house with about 4-5 rooms xD. I have my own room there. I slept on futon last night. "Henna makura, kubi ga ita~~~i!!!" Today was a great dinner! Shiro misou soup and... karee raisu!!!! You can`t even imagine how delisious it is here. English is difficult. I think, that i`ve made a lot of mistakes. I can use only japanese right now. It took me a while to recall the word "dinner".
Yesterday I bought a "teiki" - special ticket for a month to go from home to school. Transport is not cheap here what is the English for "takai"?????. Also went to school to remember how to get there. Although it is closed now. And now I`m alone at Shibuya which is one station from home by the metro (???). To tell the truth I feel better when alone, so now I`m thihking of oing anywhere else in Shibuya. I have to buy some things like a pencil (forgot it T_T). Anyway, I`ll try to find the Internet at school and then on Wednesday they`ve promised to bring me something so I can use it at home. It`s hard to explain such things in Japanese. And now, bye-bye~~~
Нашла конопку "транслит". Посему вопрос: что лучше, ломанныи русскии или ломанныи англиискии?
Is it OK if I use English? I think it is. Actually, I`have written rather long message about my first days in Japan. But it is saved in the notebook in my computer and they told me that I can`t use it here.
I get on well with my new family. They live in a small house with about 4-5 rooms xD. I have my own room there. I slept on futon last night. "Henna makura, kubi ga ita~~~i!!!" Today was a great dinner! Shiro misou soup and... karee raisu!!!! You can`t even imagine how delisious it is here. English is difficult. I think, that i`ve made a lot of mistakes. I can use only japanese right now. It took me a while to recall the word "dinner".
Yesterday I bought a "teiki" - special ticket for a month to go from home to school. Transport is not cheap here what is the English for "takai"?????. Also went to school to remember how to get there. Although it is closed now. And now I`m alone at Shibuya which is one station from home by the metro (???). To tell the truth I feel better when alone, so now I`m thihking of oing anywhere else in Shibuya. I have to buy some things like a pencil (forgot it T_T). Anyway, I`ll try to find the Internet at school and then on Wednesday they`ve promised to bring me something so I can use it at home. It`s hard to explain such things in Japanese. And now, bye-bye~~~
Нашла конопку "транслит". Посему вопрос: что лучше, ломанныи русскии или ломанныи англиискии?
tube/underground/(shinkansen or railway)?
главное, не пиши по-японски, а то я ничего не пойму т_т
как тебе в семье живется?
ШанКа я знаю))) Поэтому и спросила, иначе бы просто по-английски писала))))))).
Yulqui я уже вспомнила, сегодня утром.
Вообще сейчас будет пост!!!
(это я, папа, тот, который нездешний, а домашний